Tanqueray Rangpur Gin

750ml Bottle

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    41.3% Alcohol
    Product Description

    Tanqueray Rangpur Distilled Gin was first created in 2006 by adding Rangpur lime, an exotic citrus fruit from India with the zestiness of lime and the juiciness of mandarin oranges, together with ginger and bay leaves to Tanqueray's premium London Dry Gin. Tanqueray Rangpur Gin is the best-kept secret of the British-Indian tradition. It is distilled four times to achieve the perfect balance of four classic gin botanicals – refreshing juniper, peppery coriander, aromatic angelica and sweet liquorice. The rare Rangpur lime is an ingenious choice to bring a distinct and bold flavour to Tanqueray Rangpur. Best enjoyed with premium tonic water and a slice of lime.